
The Nysetvold Farm in Norway

This was translated from Norwegian by Håkon Skaugvoll & Olaf Kringhaug in 2001.

Haltdalen og Haltdalingen book II
Page 246
G.nr. 32, br.nr. 1, Nysetvold, “Jamtvollen”

The Nysetvold farm in Norway was also known as Jamtvollen. Our Nysetvold ancestor’s have only used the Nysetvold surname name since 1856, when Ole Svendsen Ramlo f.1827 bought the farm. Ole is the father of John Olsen Nysetvold who emigrated to America in 1872. John came to Flom Township in 1878 with his mother, Kari Jonsdatter Hilmo, who never married and only had one child.

Below is a translation by Håkon Skaugvoll in Norway of the Nysetvold Farm in the Haltdalen Bygdebok.

Det er nok kolbrenninga som er den første årskaen til ryddinga av denne
It surely is the charcoal burning which was the first reason for the clearing of this

gården. Ellers har det notk og vori setervoll her under gårdar i bygda.
farm. In addition there has been meadow near the chalet beloning to the farms in the settlement.

Første busettinga var nok lenger nede på gjardet. Her er det funni
The first settlement was further down on the edge. Here it is found

tomter både etter fjøs og stuggu. Etter som kolbrenninga åt seg oppover
sites after both barns and cottage. As the charcoal burning moved upwards in the

skogen, som her sikkert stod tett itett, har ryddinga og eti seg
wood, which here surely stood closely packed, the clearing also has moved


Dei første ein kjenner til som budde her, er jemtlendingar, derav og
The first person who lived here, as far as we know, came from Jämtland from

namnet Jamtvollen. I tronge tider i Jemtland var det mange som drog over
what the name Jamtvollen origin. While straitened circumstances in Jämtland, many moved over the border

til Noreg for å prøve lykka. Det er nok og fleire som har komi hit til
to Norway to try their fortune. It is also many who came here to

Haltdalen, og som da truleg først har tatt inn hos jemtlendingane på
Haltdalen, and then possibly first put up by the jamtlendings on

Jamtvollen, og sea reist lenger. Det er mest sansynleg at dei har komi
Jamtvollen, and later moved further on. Most likely they came

over frå Tydalen.
over (the mountains) from the Tydalen

Den første vi har greie på her, er Erich Pedersen Jamt. Han kon her
The first we know about here (on thi farm), is Erich Pedersen Jamt. He came here

truleg først på 1700-talet, og hadde fleire born her:
probably in the early 1700's, and hade many children
1-Peder f.1750
2-Kirsti f.1755 d.1795
3-Kari f.1761 d.1763

Dertil må han ha hatt born som er fødde før, såleis truleg
In addition he surely had children who were born before, thus probably
4-Anders g.m. Kirsten Eridsd. aunet, 1786
5-Dei hadde ein son Ole f.1787, og kom til Bagås.THIS MUST BE SON TO
NUMBER 4 ANDERS AND KIRSTEN ? < Haltdalen II page 247 and
< same book page 389 re: Bagåsen, where Kirsten is told to be from
Sommervold, Evensaunet
6-Vidare Johan ~Additional Johan.

Men det var nok harde kår han arbeidde under, og hadde fleire uheld. I
But it surely were hard conditions to work under, and had accidents. In

1776 har han såleis mist alle krøtera sine formedelst skovdyr. Han er
1776 he lost all his cattles because of wild animals. At that time he

da nemnt som den fattige husmand, og han måtte fleire gonger få
is mentioned as the poor cotter, and several times they had to give him

fattighjelp. Han hadde nok litt krøtera her, og hadde tatt til å rydde
poor relief. He had some cattle here, and had started to clear a bit.

litt. Ein finn nemleg at det kjem ein annan jemtlending her, Anders
As a matter of fact you find that there came another jämtlending to the place, Anders

Andersen, og forholdet mellom desse to frå fosterlandet er nok ikkje
Andersen, and the relation between this two from the fosterland (native country) was not any

godt. I 1760 er det nemleg pådømt ei sak mellom Erich og Anders. Erich
good. In 1760 there was a trial between Erich and Anders. Erich

hadde skulda Anders for at han hadde tatt høy frå han i marka. Men Erich
had accused Anders for stealing his hay from the field. But Erich could no

hadde ikkje noko prov på dette, vitnene gjekk han imot, og Erich måtte
prove that, and the witnesses were against him, and Erich had to pay 5 rdlr.
betale 5 rdlr.

Om det var etter dette at Erich flytta frå plassen, skal ein ikkje seie,
If it was after this Erich moved from the place, we can not say,

men det er i alle fall sikkert at han reiste herifrå. Truleg budde han
but sure enough he moved from here. Probably he lived

på Sommervold, og helst da på Evensaunet. Her døydde han og i 1787, og
on Sommervold, and if so on Evensaunet. Here he died in 1787, and

får denne sluttreplikken om seg : Husmand Erich Jamt, døde som betler,
get this final remark : Cotter Erich Jamt, died as beggar,

og er begraven av almuen, følgelig intet efterlader sig at holde skifte
and is buried by the common people, therefore he do not leave anything to

over. Dei borna som levde etter han, veit ein ikkje kvar det vart av.
The children who lived after him, one does not know where they went.

Dei har neppe slekt etter seg her.
They hardly have descendants here.

Ellers set det ut til at den andre jemtlendingen, Anders Andersen, kom
Beyond that it looks as the other jämtlending, Anders Andersen, came

her på same tida som Erich, og at det var han som var største brukaren.
at the same time as Erich, and that he was the largest user.

Det er rimeleg at det var han som gjekk under namnet Jamtguten. Mest
It is a fair supposition (to believe) that it was him who was nick-named Jamtguten ( The Jamt boy). Most probably

truleg er det kanskje at dei kom her samstundes. At dei hadde vori her
it perhaps is that they came at the same time. That they were here for

ei stund før 1750, er greitt, for alt i 1754 gir Anders skjøte til
a while before 1750 is clear, because already in 1754 Anders gave the deed to

Christian F. Irgens på setervollen Nysetvollen for 10 rdlr., men dette
Christian F. Irgens on the meadow near the chalet Nysetvollen for 10 rdlr., but this

protesterte Joen Bersvendsen Ramnum, Joen Gudbrandsen Ramnum og Ole
Joen Bersvendsen Ramnum, Joen Gudbrandsen Ramnum and Ole Jørgensen

Jørgensen Ramnum imot, da halvparten av denne vollen hørte dei til.
lodged a protest against, because half of this meadow belonged to them.

(Seteren har altså hørt Ramnan-Ramlo til. Ein kan gjette på at den andre
(The chalet did belong to Ramnan- Ramlo. One can guess that the other

halvparten har hørt Grøt til, og at dei flytta på Gronsesvollen når det
belonged to Grøt, and they moved to Gronsevollen when it became a farm

vart gård here.)

Anders var g. 1755 m. Ingeborg Iversd., og hadde desse borna
Anders was m. 1755 t. Ingeborg Iversd., and had this children

1-Anne, f.1755
2-Ole, f.1757
3-Iver, f.1759
4-Marit, f.1760
5-Anne, f.1761

Denne Jamtguten var nok ikkje grei kar. Han vart klaga for at han hadde
This Jamtboy was not at all a streightforward fellow. He was accused

stoli ein vev frå Guri Nordaune. For retten sa han at han hadde funni
to have stolen a woven piece from Guri Nordaune. In the court he explained
that he had found

veven i vedskjulet, og at det måtte ha vori nokon annan som hadde tatt
it in the woodshed, and that someone else must have been stealing it

den og gjømt den der. Det er fortalt at skrivaren sa:Har du stjålet tøy
and been hiding it there. It is told that the rural judge said Have you
stolen cloth

av Guri Nordaune, river jeg av deg skinnet.--Ja, det vekser på nytt
from Guri Nordaune, I will tear off your skin. --- Yes, it grows on new

skinn, sa Jamtguten. Han vart og dømt til å miste huda, og betala dei 6
skin the Jamtboy answered. He was sentenced to lose the hide, and to pay

alen han hadde klipt av veven.
for the 6 alen he had cut from the woen piece of cloth.

Etter dette hadde han visst fått nok av Haltdalen. Skamma fylgde han
After this he surely had got enough of Haltdalen. The shame followed him.

nok. I 1768 selde han plassen Nysetvolden til Jens Hansen Nordøfne,
In 1768 he sold the place Nysetvolden to Jens Hansen Nordaune,

Nordg., for 100 rdlr., og reiste sikkert ut av bygda med familien, for
Nordgarden, for 100 rdlr, and surely he moved out from the settlement with
the family, because

ingen av borna er gifte eller døde her.
none of the children was married or died here.

(Vi skall med det same nemne ein annan jemtlending: Mons Gundersen
(Right now we will mention an other jamtlending, Mons Gundersen

Jempt, som i 1701 var dreng i Nordgården-Flatberg. Han har ingen ting å
Jempt, who in 1701 was a servant in Nordgården-Flatberg. He has nothing to

gjera her på gården, men ein nemner han likevel her, saman med dei andre
do on this farm, but nevertheless we mention him here, together with the other


Ingebrigt budde sjølvsagt ikkje her, men truleg føra han av her. Han
Of course Ingebrigt did not live here, but probably he < fóra han av her,
I guess it means that he cut the grass here . He

hadde bruket berre 2 år, og sel det i 1770 til Peder Larsen Grøt for 130
had the farm for only 2 years, and sold it in 1770 to Peder Larsen Grøy
for 130

rdlr. I 1781 fek soknepresten auksjonskjøte på plassen for 101 rdlr., og
rdld. In 1781 the vicar got the deed on auction of the place for 101
rdlr., and

sel den så i 1791 til Bersvend Andersen Heksem, truleg frå Hansa'nn. Han
then sold it in 1791 to Bersvend Andersen Heksem, most likely from
Hansa'nn. He

var g.m. Gjertrud Pedersd. Flatbergeng, 1768-1839, og dei hadde fleire
was married to Gjertrud Pedersdtr. Flatbergeng 1768 - 1839, and they had
1-Ingeborg, f.1791, truleg død som spebarn.
2-Ingeborg, f.1796, g.m. Peder Pedersen Flatbergeng.
Og truleg ei Guri, 1801-1829, g.m. Ole Petersen Kvam. Jfr. Grønseteng.
Dertil må Gjertrud ha hatt ei særkulldotter, Guri. Far hennar var Esten
Andersen Hovstad, f. Almås. Denne Guri var g.m. Børge Olsen Ramlo.
NB ! This is not at all sure, må ha hatt means possibly / probably. You
have to check the church records about this birth and the parents.

Jens Halstein Nygård :
Haltdalen and Haltdalingen II, page 249 :
-----About Børge Olsen and his wife Guri Estensdtr. and their family ------
Børge was teacher in Aunegrenda and Gildset for some time, but in 1856 he went to America with
the whole family.
Before he left he sold the farm to his brother's son, Ole Svendsen Ramlo, m.t. Anne Larsdtr. Bjørgum.
----Ole is the wellknown Ole Svendsen Nysetvold. It is sure that very few may be nobody who has been
used as much as him in this settlement in municipal and public position af honor. For some time he studied
by a teacher's college to became a teacher. It was the intention that he should be the president of the court
for the reapportioning of farmlands to consolidate strips into single holdings, but an elder man was choosed.
We refer a notice written by J. A. Kvernmo, printed in Adresseavisen in 1912 :
He is son of the wellknown sheriff and president of the reapportioning court, Svend Olsen and wife Marit
Pedersdtr., and b. August 12th 1827, d. 1912. Nysetvold has been used very much in the public life of his own
municipality as well as outside it.. In 1856 he was elected commisioner for the commision of arbitration first
time in Holtålen, and two years later he was elected mayor of the municipality. In 1860 he moved from Holtålen
to Østby in Tydal, where he stayed for three years. After his return to Holtålen he again was elected commisioner
for the commision of arbitration in 1864, and mayer once more in 1866, which assignments he had to 1905. For
the same period he was a member of the road-committee of the amt (county), also the head of the committee for
some periods. He was amtsrevisor or county accountant for many years. In 1873 he was elected representative
from Søndre Trondhjems Amt to the Storting, and represented the amt for two periods. For a period he was used
by almost evry reapportioning of the farmland in Guldalens court of law, and many times he temporarily was appointed
as chief of the court. In the same way he was used by other public assessments. In 1903 he was given the silver
medal for outstanding civic service by the King. In his latest years he lived on his farm by his son-in-law. To the end
he had both his physical and mental strength intact. Thus he up to a few years ago, he went the 8 kilometers from
his home to the church. And when he was at home he steadyli work with woodcutting.
The author of the bygdeboook says that there is not much to add. Nysetvold, Gammel-Jamtvollen was no speaker, to make speeches he found difficulty. But he was a man with high intelligence and good practical judgement. And at first and at the end : he was an outstanding writer. And he had a beatiful handwriting. The pen was his strength. And he wrote a lot. It is told that his fingers was so use to the pen that they were never rested even if he did not wrote., and the fingers were the latest of his muscles to move when he died in 1912.
In 1905 Ole Svendsen Nysetvold sold the farm to his son-in-law, Ole P. Brændås, 1858 - 1941, who was married to Beret.
Their children :
a. Ole, b. 1883, m.t. Kirsti Bersvendsdtr. Heksem, Joa'nn
b. Lars, b. 1887, m.t. 1. Kari Johnsdtr. Bjørgum, Larsg.
2. Ingeborg Anna H. Heksem, Grøt-fætten
c. Svend, b. 1889, m.t. 1. Gisken Svendsdtr. Ramlo, their daughter Gisken b. 1917 m.t. Peder O. Trøan.
After the death of his wife, Svend went to America. He came back and in 1942 he married :
2. Sofi Johnsdtr. Finnland, Ålen
d. Martin, b. 1892, m.t. Anna A. Sveet, cfr. Tverå, nordre.
e. Anders, b. 1895, m.t. Maria Johansdtr. Lesetmo. Business manager Strømmen.
f. Anna Marie, b. 1901, m.t. Arne Randmæl, Alvdal.
Ole P. Brændås came to the valley as shoemaker, and stayed here. He was very much given positions of honor. All the time very keen and interested. He was one of them who established the society concerned with the problems of hygiene and health. In many years he worked for the Digre company as a chief for the woodcutters and the log rafters. In addition he was an ardent and interested hunter and fisherman, and he was one of those who established the Haltdalen Hunter and fishing association, and was a member of honor. He worked also for the temperance cause and christian works.
In 1924 he sold the farm to his first son, Ole Olsen Nysetvold, for NOK 3100.
The children of Ole Olsen Nysetvold, b. 1883 and his wife Kirsti Bersvendsdtr. Heksem :
a. Peder Olav, b. 1908, m.t. Olga Vongraven, Ålen
b. Bersvend, b. 1911, m.t. Kristine T. Løvaas, cf Jonsøyen
c. Ole, b. 1915, m.t. Olga Jonsd. Ramlo.
d. Birger, b. 1920
e. Bjarne, b. 1925
f. g. two children died as babies.